On the Road (pt. 2)
Happy New Year!
We're at the tail end of our trip and what an adventure it has been! If our goal was to come out of this trip relaxed, rejuvinated, and inspired, then mission accomplished.
A strange sensation as our minds begin to shift back to Lithuania is one of going home. As much as we sometimes feel like awkward turtles in Klaipeda, it's now our Klaipeda and our Lithuanian community is waiting for us.
In some ways, this is a meloncholy feeling. Not a day goes by where we aren't reminded of our church, friends, and family in the United States that seem so far away at times, so feeling at home somewhere else makes them feel even more distant and removed.
Then we are reminded that we are here as ambassadors of each and every person who has shaped us as we've grown into adulthood -- our families and friends in Indiana, our "second families" and church community in Arizona, and everyone else we've met along the way. And we realize we are doing exactly what we were created to do: going forth from these amazing people/groups and serving as a beacon of love, hope, and irresistable revolution in a dark part of the world.
Words of encouragement and comments are always appreciated, so feel free to post them and we'll do our best to respond quickly.