Coming full circle
I write this as I sit in a train car with 20 LCC students, rumbling towards Vilnius. Graduation was yesterday and now our sights are set upon our next objective -- the Vilnius English Camp mission trip.
It's my first time going but, if you look back, this blog actually began when Alisha and I first traveled to the Czech Republic for an English Camp mission trip. Except this time I'm responsible and
think I have a better sense of what I'm getting into.
I had posted a new update a bit ago detailing all that we've been doing this past semester, but Blogger lost it before Google cached it. The two things from that post you should know is a) Alisha and I will be returning to LCC for next school year and b) we'll both be in the U.S. for a bit to reconnect and fundraise.
Alisha arrives in Indiana Wednesday, May 6, and I will arrive Sunday, May 10. After some family time, we'll head to Arizona May 18-June 25.
Needless to say, we want to see as many people as we can. We need it.
Please pray for safe travels. --