Unexpected fireworks at the Christmas tree lighting in Klaipeda town square. The event was confusing and wonderful at the same time, with dancing lollipops, lip-syncing singers, and questionable lighting. |
In the midst of communicating our daily, weekly, and monthly happenings, we sometimes forget to express something that is constantly on our minds. Namely, we are thankful for
Josh and Alisha play in the first big snow of the season. Like rain, snow is still quite novel to us -- especially for Josh, who has made it his mission to kindle Alisha's love of snow. |
It's amazing to consider: we're thousands of miles away from most of you and, still, we are constantly reminded of the love and support being sent our way from friends and family back in the United States. These reminders have come in the form of Skype phone calls, e-mails, letters, care packages, encouraging comments on Facebook, and financial support. To be honest, such support has been crucial during some of the hard, stressful times.
Thanksgiving at an "American-style" restaurant. |
We've tried to document some of what we've accomplished here in this blog but, in reality, the things we've been able to record here only scratches the surface. How do you show the relational seeds that we are planting and cultivating on a daily basis? How do you determine the unique impact our presence has had on the local community since we've arrived? How do you make a blog post that really conveys the exciting plans and developments that are just beyond the horizon?
Josh directs the choir at the Christmas program. |
In being here, we hope we are representing you well and, in a sense, serving as an extension of each person that has helped shape and mold us into the people we are today.
We also hope that we have "sold" you on our service here -- we certainly believe in what we are doing. So much so that we would like to ask you to continue to partner with us through financial means, if you are able.
The end of the calendar year is approaching, which means you still have time to
make a tax-deductible donation to support us as we look to complete our fund-raising for this school year. Every little bit helps. Just
CLICK HERE to make a donation and make sure you designate it for "
Josh and Alisha Garber."
Alisha teaches her Resident Assistants how to make hula girls for an upcoming event. |
If money isn't something you can spare, then please send us an e-mail telling us what's new in your life. This will be our first Christmas away from friends and family and word from home would be great blessing.
The next week will be one of transition as the students prepare for their final exams, projects, and prepare for winter break. We, at the same time, will be preparing for their grand exodus from the resident halls and do our best to make the last few weeks meaningful for the students we mentor most closely.
Please feel free to send us thoughts and questions and, as always, we'll do our best to answer them as soon as we are able.