With this week marking midterm exams, the first half of this semester at LCC International University is drawing to a close. To be honest, it has felt like a marathon of events: Community Day, International Week of Peace, Servant Leadership Week, Serve Day, Ugly Duckling Cup, Neumann East RA Retreat, and Art Week.
Why so many events? To get students out of their rooms. To get them interacting. To get them off the Internet and into each other's lives. When we lived in the Goldensun community in Phoenix, it erased any part of us that desired to live out the "American Dream." For us, it's too self centered. Community is where it's at.
And that's what we're trying to demonstrate at LCC. Learn more about how we nudge (and sometimes shove) the students in the direction of community below.
Community Day
Enormous group Twister competition? Check. |
The event began with an effort by LCC staff and faculty in its early years to introduce American-style hot dogs and cold Pepsi to the students. It has now expanded to include everything from a 5K fun run, ethnic dancing, lots and lots of games, dancing, and plenty of free giveaways.
DJ Cheburashka and his poser mixer station. Can't ague with "free." |
This year Alisha headed up hot dog detail and Josh took the role of DJ. The hot dogs were thoroughly enjoyed. And did the students dance? Oh yes, they danced.
International Day of Peace
The International Week of Peace panel members included perspectives from the disciplines of psychology, teaching, theology, activism (Josh), and business. |
Because the actual International Day of Peace was on Saturday, Sept. 21 -- the weekend, we planned a few extra events during the week so students would be more likely to participate.
198 Methods of Nonviolent Action, a peaceful dialogue between a group of students and us -- the managers of the residence halls -- in an attempt to repair a rift that had developed, a panel discussion by members of LCC's various academic disciplines (and Josh), and an off-campus coffeehouse event to raise awareness in the community.
While the pursuit of peace makes sense in Lithuania, which has a history of being occupied by various countries throughout its history, application is a different story.
Servant Leadership Week/Serve Day
During Serve Day, LCC students travel different parts of Klaipėda and volunteer for a few hours. While on the service this may not sound like a lot, it's worth considering volunteerism doesn't really exist here.
As part of her position as Director of Community Life, Alisha spent quite a bit of time helping find groups in town who could use some extra help. Sites included an orphanage, special needs school, a local park, some errands on campus, a cancer center, and many others.
Ugly Duckling Cup
Ugly Duckling Cup happens.
Student can use any borrowed or found items to construct their crafts. The idea is to build unity through a common goal and encourage new thinking when it comes to the things that are typically throw away.
Neumann East RA Retreat
Josh took his team, Neumann East, camping. Last year his team went camping in a RA's grandparent's backyard on the Curonian Spit (the strip of land that runs alongside Lithuania's coast). This year he took his team camping at a place north of the city called Olandu Kapure, which means the Dutchman's cap. More pictures will be posted to Facebook.
Art Week