From left, Dalia, Kipras, and Goda pause their work at Herkus Kantas, our "social headquarters" in Klaipeda. These friends and this place will not be forgotten.
How do you walk away from four years of relationships? For us, it is by taking one step at a time.
Our final weeks in Lithuania felt like a victory lap. My father and brother made their first visit and we took a whirlwind tour throughout the country. During that time, we had a final opportunity to visit some of the most beautiful locations and people that have defined our past four years.
Immediately after, Asher's passport arrived and we booked our plane tickets for just one week later. Commence the long days filled with packing, sorting, downsizing, and cleaning. For a second time in our lives, all our possessions fit into a handful of suitcases (plus a couple guitars).
Asher's name was just one of many things to come out of
the "love bird booth" at Herkus Kantas.
Experience has shown us that it can be painful getting to that point...but that it is also incredibly liberating. When you have less holding you down, you can fly freely and swiftly, which is exactly what we are doing now.
Yesterday, we left LCC International University, Klaipeda, and then Lithuania for a final time. It was hard. I'd be lying if I said we had dry eyes as we flew away and I pointed out to Alisha that I could see Michaelsen Center -- LCC's gymnasium -- below.
"This was our home," Alisha smiled.
But then we had a moment: looking at each other and then at Asher, we knew that wasn't entirely true. No, as long as we have each other, we're still home. But everything else now changes.
And now some pictures from the final Garber Tour de Lithuania:

"Do not worry..."
In his great sermon, Jesus reminds us to remain focused on today's issues rather than dwelling on those of the future:
Asher takes his first bath! Also, proof the boy can cry.
Matthew 6
"Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink, or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing?"Look at the birds of the air; they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they?"We've found this to be true. Sometimes, God provides miraculously: many loaves and fish out of just a few, lots of wine where none remained, life after death had won.
More often, however, it is through God's church that we've seen God care for his children.
As we prepare for our return to the United States for an extended season of fundraising and reconnecting, there are several needs we offer God and his community:
- A Place to Live: While in the Phoenix Valley, we need an affordable place to call home. If you have a spare room, consider letting us join you in community!Thanks to Brian and Natalie for your generosity here!
- Transportation: Phoenix is not the easiest place to travel using public transportation. Add a baby to that equation and things get downright challenging. Do you have an extra vehicle we could use?
- Part-Time Work: We have saved some money for resettling, but we'll be able to stretch it much further if we can supplement it with some additional income. Leads on flexible, part-time jobs would be much appreciated!
- Help Networking: Are you connected with a church community? Maybe you can introduce us! The Trinity Mennonite Church community has faithfully supported us as we served in Lithuania the past four years. However, our work in Spain will require a larger budget to cover the increased cost of living and our additional family member, so we need to expand our fundraising network. Help here would be incredibly significant!
We thank you for all your prayers during this time of change and transition. Within the next week or two, we'll share a bit about our stay here in Spain.