This year we're sending a crate to Spain full of all kinds of magical goodies -- a first for us. And by "magical goodies," we mean music gear, artwork and art supplies, and some keepsakes for Asher when he gets older.
I remember the first time I went down a huge waterslide. The kind that seems to drop at a 90-degree angle for a half dozen stories. The scary part wasn't the drop itself -- it was the moment while you're sitting at the top waiting for the OK to go and then, suddenly you decide to let go.
Tomorrow morning we leave for Barcelona and, when people ask us how we're feeling, that's the best way I can describe it. We're on the brink of a new, adventures chapter in our lives and, while we're incredibly excited, we'd be remiss to say our hearts aren't in our throats right now. Our bags are packed and tomorrow morning we get on the airplane and "let go."
In the same way, I love Chuck Taylor sneakers. I blame my dad for that -- he's always been wearing them. The things I love about them is they go with about any outfit I wear nowadays and they're not too bulky for drum and guitar pedals. I love how my old Chucks feel. They're practically an extension of my foot. They tell a story -- I was actually wearing my last pair when I stepped into some quicksand in Mexico!
However, they're not that durable (at least not the way I wear them). About once a year I need to get a new pair as the old ones are practically falling off my feet. Even though the change is necessary, it's a bittersweet moment.
We are in that place right now.
Today was a day of "goodbyes" and "see you laters" and lots of tears as our Trinity Mennonite Church community blessed and sent us. It was a reminder of how fortunate we've been this past year. While our hearts have been in Barcelona since last July, we've connected deeply with both old and new friends here in the Phoenix Valley. It would be impossible to thank everyone who has helped us out, but a few folks really stand out.
To the Schrock family -- thank you for sharing your home and your lives with us. Growing even closer to you all has been a very special, sacred experience.
To our small group -- damn you for making us love you so much. You were supposed to be an experiment in what millennial discipleship might look like. Instead, you made individual places in our hearts and refuse to leave.
To our Ministry Support Team -- we wouldn't be at this point without your help and encouragement. We felt we were really shooting for the stars with each person we asked to join our team and still can't believe you all said yes. I can say with a new level of confidence we are excited to see how we can stay connected with our supporters.
To Trinity Mennonite Church -- we are your missionaries. We won't let you down.