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The Hard Ask

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The Hard Ask

We need your monthly financial support. Consider making a commitment this holiday season.

Let this be your act of resistance to the holiday madness. If you're truly thankful, make a donation on Black Friday or Cyber Monday rather than indulge in run-amok capitalism. If you cringe at the shallowness of secularized Christmas, give a gift that can make a profound difference.

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We are YOUR ambassadors

Alisha works on a mural at Jeremy and Siwan's house -- perhaps one of Alisha's favorite fundraising activities!
Camping, music, and food with John (and Julie) near
Sedona, AZ. It was their second time camping ever!
Time has flown by for us.

The last several weeks have been filled with meals, miles and miles of driving, fantastic conversations, and live music -- all things we encounter in Lithuania but find in surplus in the Valley of the Sun.

Josh going for a post-dinner stroll with roommate Sam.
The longer we serve abroad, the more we realize the degree to which we've been shaped and formed by this place. And the importance of staying connected grows all the more evident. Life, understandably, moves forward whether you are present or not. When we left for Lithuania three years ago, we weren't running away from our lives here -- we were running toward something new as ambassadors of all who have played a role in forming our lives.

So when we see changes -- good and bad -- we recognize almost a parallel life that we gave up when we moved abroad. As Alisha often describes it, "Whole children happen while we are away. Relationships start and, unexpectedly, end. People we expect to see when we come back are gone and there are new people we've never seen before."

To be an effective ambassador, however, you can't just be connected to those who sent you in the past -- you must also be connected to those who presently send you.
Standing against injustice with Jesse.

All this is to say that we cherish those of you we have (and have not) been able to visit this summer. This time we have in the U.S. fundraising is an incredible gift and it fuels us for the work we have ahead of us next year.

We've done our best to connect with as many individuals and families while in the Valley as we could, but we recognize logistics make it impossible for us to see everyone. Bellow is a video we made to give a glimpse of what we, your ambassadors, have been able to do thanks to you all.

(The clips of the orphans were intentionally blurred for their protection)

There are too many people to thank individually who help us out while we're stateside. To be embraced and supported by friends, loved ones, and even total strangers is overwhelming and humbling.


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There's so much to be thankful for.

School is back in session. The students have returned from their holiday travels. The campus of LCC International University is buzzing. Our calendars are filling up already with events, celebrations, meetings and other tasks. As I sit in my office, working on budget updates, discipline reports, and other important emails my mind can't help but drift off to the fabulous holiday we had away from the LCC campus. 

Josh and I had the tremendous privilege of having friends from the United States visit us from December 24 through December 30. Natalie and Bryan flew in on Christmas Eve and we set out to tour as much of Lithuania and Latvia as humanly possible in seven short days.

Although the journey was long (by kilometer), it was not tiresome. It's too bad that we couldn't travel like my friends The Muppets - by map. That would have made things much faster... Check out our journey!
Insert Mennonite inside joke here.
This tour took Josh and I from Klaipeda to Vilnius, from Vilnius to Riga Latvia, from Riga to Klaipeda, from Klaipeda back to Vilnius, from Vilnius to Moletai, from Moletai to Kaunus and from Kaunus back home to Klaipeda. That's 1,606 KM for those who keep track of such things. Praise God that the travel blessings flowed freely through our trip. It was not without it's hiccups, or shady bus situations, but we always felt warm and safe, but also a little bit like human ping pong balls (excuse me, Table Tennis balls - just in case Evan Oswald reads this). 

We bundled up and toured churches, took photos, stayed in fun hostels, ate a LOT (mostly cheese and dried meats), sampled local beers, pet dogs (using my Lithuanian language skills), and had an all around superb time. Here are some photos from our adventures!

Natalie delivered Christmas goodies - she knew just what I wanted!
On Christmas, we climbed the Vilnius "Pilis" and enjoyed a snowy day of sightseeing.
The holiday meal was followed by an evening of pub games at "Spunka," recommended by our Klaipedian friend Kipras.
Once we arrived in Klaipeda, Josh facilitated a "Concert for Friends" at Herkas Kantas - our favorite local pub. Friends Kel and Inga also performed.
"Let it snow, let it snow let it snow!" sings Josh!

After dropping Natalie and Bryan back off in Vilnius on December 30, we went to Moletai to ring in the New Year with our friend and student, Julija, and her family.This was a party to remember as we joined with Julija's Moletai church to celebrate the New Year with worship songs, bible quizzes, 2 meter long sparklers, home-made cepelinai (here's the process if you are brave enough) and a pet bunch of awesome cows on the dairy farm. A baby cow named Schumacher even licked me. The hospitality we experience in Moletai was unbelievable-- I think I am still full from all the delicious meals and tea. It was great.

A quick tour of Moletai before leaving for Klaipeda.

When our journey finally ended, and we were back in Klaipeda, we were greeted by several letters, Christmas cards, and two special packages. It is always a great pleasure to receive mail here in Lithuania. I am particularly touched by all the people that take time out of their busy lives "back home" to think of us while we serve abroad. I LOVE LOVE LOVE getting mail, so it's always a special surprise to see what arrives -- especially during the holiday season.  

Cards and letters from loved ones afar.
On the same day we got two packages! One from our Trinity Family and a package from my sister Alison and her husband Zach!

A beautiful letter, lovely scarf and other goodies from Alison.
Josh loves his Christmas Present!

That's right, more Cheez-Its from both Trinity and Ali. No, I can NEVER have too many of these.
We might be able to hang this stocking with care from the TOP of the chimney.
Thank you for all your thoughtful notes and kind words.
After all these grand travels, amazing visitors, lovely letters and surprise packages, it's easy to see that we have a lot to be grateful for. Entering into our next season at LCC, we now feel replenished, refreshed and rejuvenated to tackle the challenges ahead. Thank you for sending love and prayers from afar!

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Summer Travels pt. 2

Our second, shorter round in Central Indiana ended with an afternoon barbecue in the park with the extended Denny family.
What a whirlwind trip this has been! Who would have thought we could have possibly crammed in as much fun, adventures, stories, and food into a short five weeks?
Jeanne and Jerry Garber guide us through an afternoon tour around the lake they
live on in Michigan.

It was such a joy to reconnect with all of you while we traveled in Indiana and Arizona. The delicious meals, the heartfelt conversation, the meaningful sharing -- what more can we say but thank you!

We had so much fun at the Talent Night & Silent Auction as well as the viewing of “The Other Dream Team” documentary. If you missed out on either of those events, DVD copies can be borrowed from the Trinity Mennonite Church office, 4334 W. Vista Ave., Glendale, AZ 85301.

One of several Lithuanian summer feasts we prepared for friends
and family.
Thanks to the generosity of many, many people, we can honestly say our fundraising efforts while in the U.S. have been successful -- we’re closer to our goal for the upcoming service year.

That said, we still have a ways to go. If you are interested in making a donation to us, please visit this site. Make sure that you enter “Josh and Alisha Garber” as the comment in the Faculty/Staff support line.

Although our time "back home" may not have been entirely restful, it was definitely worthwhile and helped refuel our spirits for another year at LCC International University.

While naming everyone who helped us out during our time in the states would be impossible, there are a few individuals we want to give an extra special thanks to Aaron Gouldthorpe, Daniel Wohlberg, Alissa & Tyler Prater, and Jerry & Jeanne Garber for housing us and making us feel like family. Also, thanks to the Schrocks for helping us with our technology and got us out of town for a night of mindless fun.

We feel affirmed that we have returned to Lithuania as ambassadors of our community at Trinity Mennonite Church. We are also excited to be serving as Mission Associates for Mennonite Mission Network -- a development we'll explain more in an upcoming update.

Keep us in your thoughts and prayers as we return to work here in Klaipėda.

Performing a few songs at our Variety Show
fundraiser at Trinity Mennonite Church.
Playing the Game of Life with Stephanie Quirin, who treated us
to an afternoon of games and lounging by the pool as an escape
from the desert heat.

Alisha was able to un-
expectedly reunite with best
friend and local grump,
Harry LaPillough.
Josh experiences Sam Schrock
for the first time. Both are unsure
how to feel.
Myriam Sollman, a former bandmate and good
friend, traveled to Phoenix from the East Coast
to spend some time with us. Playing Dutch Blitz
at a new-ish outdoor, mist-cooled venue was a
great way to catch up.



A season of gratitude, snow (finally!) and giving

Unexpected fireworks at the Christmas tree lighting in Klaipeda town square. The event was confusing and wonderful at the same time, with dancing lollipops, lip-syncing singers, and questionable lighting.
In the midst of communicating our daily, weekly, and monthly happenings, we sometimes forget to express something that is constantly on our minds. Namely, we are thankful for you.

Josh and Alisha play in the first big snow of the season. Like rain, snow is still quite
novel to us -- especially for Josh, who has made it his mission to kindle Alisha's
love of snow.
It's amazing to consider: we're thousands of miles away from most of you and, still, we are constantly reminded of the love and support being sent our way from friends and family back in the United States. These reminders have come in the form of Skype phone calls, e-mails, letters, care packages, encouraging comments on Facebook, and financial support. To be honest, such support has been crucial during some of the hard, stressful times.
Thanksgiving at an "American-style" restaurant.

We've tried to document some of what we've accomplished here in this blog but, in reality, the things we've been able to record here only scratches the surface. How do you show the relational seeds that we are planting and cultivating on a daily basis? How do you determine the unique impact our presence has had on the local community since we've arrived? How do you make a blog post that really conveys the exciting plans and developments that are just beyond the horizon?

Josh directs the choir at the Christmas program.
In being here, we hope we are representing you well and, in a sense, serving as an extension of each person that has helped shape and mold us into the people we are today.

We also hope that we have "sold" you on our service here -- we certainly believe in what we are doing. So much so that we would like to ask you to continue to partner with us through financial means, if you are able.

The end of the calendar year is approaching, which means you still have time to make a tax-deductible donation to support us as we look to complete our fund-raising for this school year.  Every little bit helps. Just CLICK HERE to make a donation and make sure you designate it for "Josh and Alisha Garber."
Alisha teaches her Resident Assistants how to
make hula girls for an upcoming event.

If money isn't something you can spare, then please send us an e-mail telling us what's new in your life. This will be our first Christmas away from friends and family and word from home would be great blessing.

The next week will be one of transition as the students prepare for their final exams, projects, and prepare for winter break. We, at the same time, will be preparing for their grand exodus from the resident halls and do our best to make the last few weeks meaningful for the students we mentor most closely.

Please feel free to send us thoughts and questions and, as always, we'll do our best to answer them as soon as we are able.
