For Alisha's first birthday outside the United States, we went with a Muppet/puppet theme, including a trip to the local puppet theatre with friends! A local friend, Ilona, hooked us up with a behind-the-scenes look at the puppets and chance to meet the puppeteers. As you can see, Alisha was only slightly happy. |
We made our own puppets later so we could act out stories from Alisha's life. Josh poses with a "tree" and "Alisha." | | |
In our
last blog post, we mentioned ways we were going to stir things up here at
LCC International University. Specifically, we mentioned Alisha's Art Club, Josh taking a bigger role in Roots of Justice, LCC's anti-human trafficking group, and what we are now calling the Mustard Seed project, a church alternative for people who like Jesus but don't like religion.
One thing we're still working on is budgeting out time because, while these things have all been incredibly life giving, they're also quite time consuming. As such, we've not been able to blog our adventures in as timely a fashion as we'd like. However, with a trip back to the United States in the horizon, we have a solution to help get you up to speed:
The Garber Dinning Room Tour 2013!
More than anything we want to spend this time reconnecting with family and friends -- what better way to do that than over a meal? The idea is that you invite us over for lunch or dinner and, in
exchange, we can share our
experience of serving in Eastern Europe.
Here's our current travel plans:
May 9-11................Northern Indiana/Michigan
May 12...................Jordan S. Garber graduates!
May 13-17..............Central Indiana
May 18...................Travel Day
May 19-June 15.....Arizona (June 3-6 Idaho Conference)
June 16...................Travel Day
June 17-19..............Central Indiana
June 20-24..............Northern Indiana/Michigan
June 25...................Return to Lithuania
We made a calendar below so you can see which days are available and which are already occupied.
Contact us via the comments or e-mail (
alishagarber@gmail.com) and let us know when you are free to kick it. We'll put it on our calendar and make sure we're there!
It would be fair to say we are also viewing this as an opportunity to raise funds, but please
do not feel like that is a requirement. For planning reasons, please give us a few dates that would work for you and be aware that family will take priority.